Rapid Prototyping Techniques: Definition, Methods, and Advantages
Rapid prototyping has become an invaluable tool for companies looking to accelerate development and quickly bring new products to market. In technology, manufacturing, and consumer goods, getting products to customers ahead of the competition is critical. This area is where leveraging rapid prototyping during the design phase can provide significant ...
Prototype vs Production Molding – Understanding the Differences
Understanding the differences between prototype and production molding can be a game-changer in your product development process. Most think that to have production-equivalent plastic parts, you need to build an expensive, long lead-time, hardened-steel production mold and that this can only happen at the end of the product development process ...
Prototype Injection Molding Process Guidelines
A Guide to Injection Molding Prototypes Prototype injection molding is a manufacturing process that involves creating a physical plastic prototype or sample of a plastic product using injection molding techniques. It is a highly versatile and efficient method of producing small quantities of complex plastic parts with precision and speed. ...
Material Selection: How Do I Specify the Right Plastic for My Product Application
There are over 60,000 different grades of plastics and growing each year. If you are developing a product that requires selection of a plastic, it can be quite a daunting task to determine the best plastic for your application among so many choices. This article shares the methods we use ...
How Should I Prototype? Machined Parts, Print 3D Parts, or Fabricate a Prototype Mold
How should I prototype? Machined parts, print 3D parts, or fabricate a prototype mold Introduction Once a design engineer completes the first draft of their product design, the next step is to create a plan for how it will be fabricated, tested, and developed. There are three basic methods of prototype fabrication: 1) CNC machining, 2)
How Much Does Plastic Injection Molding Cost?
Plastics are a very good fit for manufacturing and their use becomes, even more, cost-effective as volume increases. Plastics are used to fabricate products in every major industry such as medical, automotive, electronics, housewares, etc due to their cost advantages. Besides cost, plastics are often used in high-volume manufacturing due ...
10 Key Features to Look for in a Prototype Molder
If you are looking to hire a prototype molder there are several key features that you should look for as you compare molding partners that are critical to the success of your project.
Micro Molding Requiring Material Specification And Simulation
A client approached us because they had not received acceptable parts with other prototype molding vendors. Issues included accuracy and surface finish of the 0.013” wide “teeth” features. We have extensive experience with micro-molding and molded similarly challenging features in the past, so we quoted mold fabrication and molding. There were three keys to success on this project: material selection, molding simulation and mold fabrication
Which Factors Determine Molded Part Accuracy?
You may have wondered which factors determine molded part accuracy and therefore the tolerances of the injection molded parts from both prototype and production molders. It’s a complex question that I will try to explain. Some factors that are within the molder’s control and some are not. The following factors determine molded part accuracy during mold fabrication and molding